Oh, its been a while since I've written anything on my blog. And so much has happened. Tohny graduated from college, we celebrated our one year wedding anniversary, my parents celebrated their 27th, Tohny and spent a week in Georgia, two weeks in Massachusetts where Tohny met his biological father for the first time, ever.
It has been an eventful few months, that's for sure. And every experience I've had, has been a blessing from God and helped reaffirm my faith in Him. Tohny and I have been together for almost 7 years but our relationship changed so much when we got married. At times it feels like we've known each other our whole lives but at other times it feels brand new. Tohny is my best friend and truly my other half and I can't even believe I've been so blessed to have him in my life.

We were able to spend a week with my brother John and his family is Georgia. It was such a wonderful visit. John is my half brother and we're pretty far apart in age so, we didn't grow up together. Because of that, this visit was an opportunity to get to know each other better and I got to take my niece, Lauryn's, senior pictures (which I'll share as soon as my brother and sister-in-law don't have them under lock and key anymore!). To see God at the center of that family was such an inspiration and the visit was so relaxed and fun. I can't wait to go and visit them again sometime soon!

The main event of mine and Tohny's trip came in Massachusetts. Tohny had never met or spoken to his biological father. The last time Mark (Tohny's dad) saw Tohny was when he was two years old so this was a meeting long overdue. Tohny and his brother Chris finally had the opportunity to get to know their father.

As the two weeks went on, the similarities between Tohny and Mark grew and grew. They're both complete computer nerds, they like Star Trek, they both has sneezing fits (not to mention they could be twins, they look so much alike) and the list goes on. I was almost brought to tears so many times during those two weeks and to see this important moment in Tohny and Chris' lives was amazing. I hope and pray they all continue to bond with one another.

I could probably go on and on about the events of the summer but it would be way too long of a post! Hopefully it won't take me another two months to so another post. :)